whats new on Saturday
Baked 5 doz. date pinwheel cookies that I had prepared yesterday afternoon, did up a big batch of ham rollups, and getting ready to make a dip that is made from hard boiled eggs, finely shredded cheddar cheese and seasonings, green onion, and held together with just a bit of low fat real mayo -- it's delicious and good protein. Will also make a half batch of carmel corn (to give for gifts)...then I am done with the sweet stuff. I can't remember having the energy I've had this year to do all this cooking and baking -- AMAZING!
Killing time checking websites so I can start on my water....
We have snow - it's very pretty, but I'm glad I don't have to get out in it.....staying inside and after I'm finished in the kitchen will relax and do some more cross stitch.
Have a safe and special Saturday.
pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
hey pat...you will never guess what i found in the grocery store the other night!!!! CHEX MIX "MUDDY BUDDIES" its like puppy chow!!!! its a small bag and was $2.88 so we bought that and it will be enough for me and rick....but i will keep the recipe you sent me for when i need a larger batch.... ;-) (weighed this morning and i did NOT like what i saw!!! OMG!!! i am up 20 pounds!!!! YIKES!!!!!)
the pinwheel cookies are really good tasting!! mom and i used to make them and then she had a better idea...make them drop cookies instead of rolling out and cutting them....short cuts from mom...LOL didn't look as pretty but they still tasted the same!!
wish i knew how to cross stitch...reading directions do not help me at all...its all greek to me!!! sighs....
have a good day!!!
It is cold sort of here in Bradenton. I am going to a family gathering today in a park to celebrate our birthdays. Mine is tomorrow.
But the sun is shinning and I am happy.
Hanukkah is over for this year and it comes very early next year.
I am hoping to have my first shift at the hospital next week.She still hasnt called me with the schedule. I did do orientation last Monday. I dont know why they are waiting so long.
Well my cousin is here to pick me up.
By the way jhp where in Florida are you.
morning jan and OFF!!!
jan don't feel like you are left out on the board...there are alot of us that feel the same way!!!! you also darleen!!!! seems only a selevt few get many posts to their post....sigh....and yes i admit i am one that doesn't post like i used to and i am not sure why....
weather here is chilly and it is snowing..fine snow but still snow....the ground is almost covered and it looks so pretty!!! finally it is begining to look alot like CHRISTMAS!!!!! ;-)
got everything wrapped and under the tree...alll the food for Christmas dinner is bought except for the fresh rolls which i will get at work thursday. ricks daughter and grandson will be coming over Christmas eve for their Christmas gifts. ricks mom will be bringing them over. so i guess she will also be here for her gifts as well. looks like rick and i will be alone on Christmas and that is ok with me. wish i could find my DVD of the fireplace and Christmas music....would be so pretty seeing that on Christmas eve and day. still looking....sighs
not much else new with me so i need tog et going and get my shower in and off to work. have a good day and know that i AM thinking of you all!!!!!!!!
SMILE!!! make somone happy seeing a nice smile today!!! :-)
Thank you again for all the kind comments about the cards. 'Nuff said.
Prayers for a gal that works for me at the part time job. Her name is Paula. She has been living with this guy for 8 years, married to him the last two. Yesterday afternoon he kicked her out. Said they need a separation. She is so sweet. Goes to school full time and then comes to work for 4 hours. All this without a car, taking the bus everywhere. Which isn't easy around here. She probably spends 2 hours a day waiting for or riding the bus.